Fee Schedule
St Dominic’s Primary School Fees and Levies for 2024
Parents, by enrolling your child/children at St. Dominic’s Primary School you are undertaking to pay:
School Fee
Capital Fee
Maintenance Fee
Other Levies (listed below)
All fees and levies are billed at the start of the school year, Families of Year 3-6 students are advised that the 2024 Camp fee is billed separately closer to the date and must be paid prior to attending.
School Fees
School fees pay for the running costs of the School. They meet the difference between the actual running costs and the amount granted by the Commonwealth and State Governments. (Running costs include: staff salaries, printing, phones, electricity, maintenance, Insurance etc.)
Capital Fee
Capital levy goes towards the development and improvement of school buildings, loan repayments and new capital purchases.
Maintenance Fee
This levy pays for items necessary to maintain buildings, grounds and equipment.
Curriculum Levy
The Curriculum levy covers all curriculum resources, RE Texts, consumables, photocopying, specialist program requirements, audio-visual, Information & Communication Technology, and CCI School Care Cover.
Please note, for 2024, this includes Technology and book levies, where in prior years these levies were listed and charged separately.
Swimming/Excursion/Incursion Levy
This levy provides support for areas of study/learning within the total school curriculum. It enables students to be involved both within and beyond the school environment in experiences which challenge, extend and motivate.

All uniform requirements are available from our uniform provider Primary School Wear (PSW). The shop is located at :
12 Strathalbyn Street
East Kew, VIC, 3102
Phone: 03 9819 7809
Fax: 03 9819 7836
Our St Dominic's uniforms are obtained at an acceptable cost and of a high quality which requires minimum maintenance.
All students must be neatly dressed at all times.
The second hand uniform shop is a contactless service.
A flat fee of $5 per item. All proceeds will go towards people who are in need in our school community.
Donations will only be accepted on ONE day nominated at the end of term, and a reminder will be communicated in the newsletter. NO donations will be accepted outside of this week.
We will only accept good quality donations, so please do not donate any items that are in need of repair, badly faded or stained. Donations must be clean and fresh laundered.

Out of Hours School Care
'Beyond EduCare'

Beyond EduCare
We are proud to partner with Beyond EduCare, Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program.
Beyond EduCare programs are centred on child enrichment, while ensuring a reliable, engaging and hassle-free OSHC service at our school. Their engaged educators foster a safe, inclusive environment where children can relax, have fun and grow.
Beyond EduCare Pty Ltd aims to provide High Quality Play Based Child Care. We endeavour for children to thrive,
learn and grow to become citizens who actively contribute towards a vibrant and more harmonious local and global
Our Service is committed to:
• Providing a Play-based Learning Program that is both flexible and responsive to individual, family and community
• A guiding philosophy and pedagogy that reflects current evidence, research and professional thinking that is
guided by the core principles enshrined in National and State Learning Frameworks.
• Establishing and maintaining a strong team of qualified educators who engage in ongoing learning and reflective
practice and are committed to improving outcomes for children.
• Providing quality individual and collaborative play-based learning across the entire OSHC environment.
• Promoting an anti-bias environment that is inclusive of all children, family and educators regardless of culture,
language, ethnicity, beliefs, gender, social standing and ability.
• A collaborative approach to childcare that includes building partnerships with families, the school, wider
community and industry professionals.