St. Dominic's Primary School Camberwell East
Catholic schools honour the role of parents as the first and ongoing nurturers and educators of their child. In partnering with families, this life-giving relationship transforms the possibilities for each child and promotes optimal engagement, achievement and wellbeing
(Horizons of Hope Wellbeing Statement- 2017, p.8).
At St. Dominic’s, we work together to engage families and communities in partnership.
In doing this, we:
Work collaboratively to create and strengthen safe, child friendly environments for learning
Actively foster positive relationships with parents to support students to thrive in learning and life
Are mentors and partners in each child’s learning journey
Collectively contribute to the spiritual, emotional, social and cognitive development of the whole child
We value this community partnership and that family and community engagement has the greatest impact when:
parents and carers are engaged as co-educators of their children
the whole school community works strategically toward shared goals
building relationships is central to the educational approach of the school and is focused on: a holistic view of the child and their education, student progress, skills and motivation for learning & the home and community as environments for learning

Term 2

Term 3
School community is...
“The school story grows richer and stronger with every student enrolled, every staff member employed and every partnership formed.” (SIF School Community Sphere)

School Advisory Council
School Advisory Councils are an essential component of governing and operating Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. They provide a forum for consultation and participation for parish and school communities.
The new governance arrangements were developed through a consultation process with priests, principals and parents around the critical role the parish priest and principal have in leading the school’s mission, with the support of the School Advisory Council.
St. Dominic’s 2024 School Advisory Council:
Fr. Paul Rowse - Parish Priest
Natalie Kenny - Principal
Helen Anania - Deputy Principal
Olivia Jones - Chairperson & Parent Representative
Daniell Wilden - Parent Representative
Danny Young - Parent Representative
Christian Formica - Parent Representative
James Barratt- Parent Representative
Role of the School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council (SAC) exists to provide a structure that:
Allows for the discussion and development of education policy and planning in relation to curriculum, as well as the physical environment of St. Dominic's Parish Primary School.
Assists the Parish Priest and School Principal with advice regarding policy and issues specific to St. Dominic's Community.
Liaise with other parish groups associated with the school.
The SAC meets regularly throughout the year and its members serve a 3-year term.
Parents are encouraged to show interest in the SAC and its functions. Meetings are advertised in the school newsletter and a summary of the minutes of each meeting are documented in the school newsletter.

Parent & Friends Association
St Dominic's Parent & Friends Association (PFA) provides an opportunity for parents to become engaged with the School, through social and fundraising events. PFA events include: Welcome nights, cocktail nights, Mother's & Father's Day stalls, End of Term lunches, bi-annual Italian Festa (Fete), Colour Run, along with raising money with raffles and other fundraising activities.
The PFA supports future development; and provides funding for general maintenance of school buildings, school equipment and curriculum resources.
The PFA is a vibrant and welcoming group of parents which meets twice each term. Details and Information of events and activities are published in the school newsletter.
The members of the Association are the parents and staff of St. Dominic’s Primary School. The membership of the PFA Executive consists of the School Principal, a representative of the teaching staff and elected parents. Parent representatives hold the positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The PFA welcomes new members and looks for innovative ideas to support the School. If you would like more information about the PFA, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on (03) 9836 8300.

Parents as Partners
A strong sense of identity and belonging enhances the wellbeing of young people, and impacts positively on their learning outcomes. With an emphasis of Parents as Partners in the education, care and wellbeing of each of our students, cements the importance of our shared work in educating the young people of our school and parish.
St. Dominic’s Primary School is in a central position to be the ‘hub’ for our community to come together. We promote personal growth, cultural identity and a strong sense of community and belonging. Our students and families have opportunities to identify with the traditions, values and relationships within the school. It is a part of our schools’ core work to include activities that shape students’ sense of identity and culture.
Clear communication between home and school is key to ensuring ongoing, effective partnerships for learning. Our students, your children learn in a variety of environments – school, home, clubs, social groups, and when the language of learning in these worlds, especially home and school can be readily accessed and understood by families, learning will be enhanced.
It is vital that school staff and families share, understand, and effectively communicate a common language around learning, community and shared ownership.
Hear From Our Community
“I love playtime because I like playing with my friends and seeing some of the cute Preps!”
Thomas, Student

Hear from our students

Hear from our students
“I like that I could easily make friends when I moved here. St Dominic’s School is welcoming to everyone and open to lots of new ideas.”
Sofia, Student
“St Dom's has a tangible community feeling, and a genuine sense of belonging which goes beyond school. I enjoy the collaborative spirit between school and family and the wholistic approach to learning and self, nurturing resilience and growth mindset. Teaching staff and leadership are accessible, communication is great and the energy is positive and progressive, reflected in happy and secure kids at school.”
Lucy, Parent
Hear from our parents

Hear from our students
“My favourite thing about my school is the nice and generous teachers. They are kind, helpful and they support our learning.”
Sophie, Student