Child Safety
St. Dominic's Primary School Camberwell East
As Catholic educators, we have a moral, mission driven and legal responsibility to uphold and actively promote the wellbeing and safety of every student entrusted to our care.
Our commitment to the protection of students is enabled in nurturing, respectful and safe communities where the uniqueness and sacred dignity of every young person is celebrated and they are able to flourish in their learning and development. This vision is driven by the gospel message of love, justice and abundance, beautifully reflected in the words of John. “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10.10
The safety, protection and wellbeing of children and young people in our care is a central, absolute and fundamental responsibility of our Catholic culture.
St. Dominic’s is committed to ensuring that the inherent dignity of young people and their fundamental right to be respected and nurtured, within a safe school environment, is always fully promoted and actioned. St. Dominic’s has a Zero Tolerance of child abuse.
St. Dominic’s School will always be abreast of current legislation and ensure that these legislative requirements are always met.
This duty of care towards our young people includes St. Dominic’s adherence towards the Victorian Child Safe Standards and Principles. These seven standards aim to drive cultural change, so that protecting children from abuse is embedded in everyday thinking and practice.

St. Dominic’s deeply caring staff, along with our Dominican core values of prayer, study, community and service, hold the safety and protection of children as a key responsibility of the entire St. Dominic’s community.