St. Dominic's Primary School Camberwell East
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our St. Dominic’s Primary School website. It is an honour and my privilege to lead this wonderful community and work alongside our staff and families to educate the children of St. Dom’s. As a parent of two and an educator of over 30 years, I am wholeheartedly invested in and dedicated to, supporting students and their families, as well as providing an enriching primary school experience for every child. Our parents are the primary educators of their children and at St. Dominic’s, we acknowledge and truly value the partnership between school and home. As the trusted and most significant adults in their lives, it is our shared responsibility to support and nurture our children to know that they are guided and supported in their learning, wellbeing and faith. It is also our shared responsibility to enable them to thrive and to teach them to be well-informed, lifelong learners and compassionate citizens now and in the future.
Our St. Dominic's motto, ‘Veritas’, connects us to the 800 year Dominican tradition and to Dominican communities across Australia and the world. ‘Truth’ is grounded in prayer and contemplation, commitment to study, relationships, community, and justice, inspired by Gospel values. In the tradition of our Dominican Charism and in the context of our ever changing world, we work together to empower students in Faith & Prayer, in their Learning, as active citizens in the Community, and as people of Service to others, making a difference in the world.
St. Dominic's Primary School is a community where everyone is known, heard and valued and Wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. Our Staff are experts in acknowledging and working with students to ensure their potential is reached, as full flourishing learners. As educators, we are committed to implementing and putting into practice expert teaching across all classrooms, to educate 100% of our students 100% of the time, ensuring quality learning and teaching programs reflect a comprehensive knowledge of the curriculum.
Our students are at the centre of our work, our decisions, our community and at the heart of all that we do. At St. Dominic’s, every child's needs, efforts and achievements are acknowledged & celebrated and we value the unique qualities of each and every child, knowing that we are all created in God’s image and have immeasurable worth and sacred dignity. Our holistic approach to promoting wellbeing gives our students the opportunity to develop resilience, confidence, compassion and respect for all. As Principal of this wonderfully diverse & rich learning community, this gives me great pride.
St. Dominic's community celebrates our Centenary in 2025, which we are all very proud of and excited about!!! We celebrate the significance of this most treasured time in our school's history, sharing this with our local and wider communities & valuing our part in its story.
If you are a first time visitor to our website, we warmly welcome you and hope to welcome you for a school visit soon! Our school website has been customised to capture who we are and to give you a sense of our vibrant learning community.
We invite you to make contact with us should you like to find out more about our community and enrolments and to ‘Discover the St. Dominic’s Difference’ for you and your family. If you are considering enrolling your child at St. Dominic's, We are saving a place for you!

Natalie Kenny
Bachelor of Ed (Primary Education),
Master of Education (Religious Education)

Why Choose St. Dominic's?
We are the only co-educational Catholic primary school in Camberwell
We know, hear and value every child and every family
We have a strong sense of community, family-engagement and collaborative partnership
We welcome families into our Community Hub and our Sunflower Kids Playgroup
We are approaching our 100th birthday, marking almost a century of quality trusted primary education
We educate compassionate, resilient, informed & inquiry-driven students, who are tomorrow's future leaders
We offer a mapped pathway into Catholic Secondary schooling opportunities
We offer an affordable faith-based primary school education for your child and family
We are committed to smaller class sizes and supported differentiated learning
As a Catholic, faith-based school, we also welcome all other faith traditions
We celebrate and embrace diversity
We value the differences, gifts and talents of every individual child
Our students are at the heart of everything we do, our decisions and our community
We offer a range of extra-curricular learning including: guitar, vocals & keyboard, Chess coaching, STEM, Garden & Sustainability, Student Leadership and Choir
We know your child

MACS Governance Statement
St. Dominic's Primary School is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).
MACS governs and operates 300 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.
Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.
This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures.
More information on MACS is available at https://www.macs.vic.edu.au/Our-Schools.aspx.
Latest News

Our School Vision
Veritas means “truth”.
The life-long pursuit of truth should be the goal of every Dominican
St Dominic’s: where all are valued; a leading place of faith and learning, empowering our community to be active citizens to positively impact our world.

Our Mission
In Education and Faith
The school will be an inclusive learning community that reflects Dominican charism, through a search for knowledge (truth) and a connectedness to faith.
In Learning and Teaching
The school will inspire and empower all learners to grow by engaging them in purposeful learning.
Through our learning and teaching, we will foster creativity, collaboration and innovation.
In Student Wellbeing
The school will enable students to develop positive relationships with self and others to ensure a strong sense of wellbeing
In Leadership and Management
The school will be strategic in its implementation of innovative learning and teaching.
In School Community
The school will be active and vibrant in working to serve others.
Thank you to the staff, parents and students who assisted us in articulating this vision for the future of the students who are at the heart of all that we do here at St Dominic’s.

St Dominic’s School Norms
I am truthful
I am respectful and friendly
I am a cooperative and positive learner
I learn and play safely
I care for property and the environment
Contact Us

St. Dominic's Primary School
Address: 145 Highfield Road, Camberwell East 3124
Phone: 03 9836 8300
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Email: office@sdcamberwelleast.catholic.edu.au
Principal: Natalie Kenny
Email: principal@sdcamberwelleast.catholic.edu.au

St Dominic's Parish
Address: 816 Riverdale Road, Camberwell East 3124
Phone: 03 9912 6870 ext 310
Parish Priest: Fr Paul Rowse
Email: secretary@stdominics.org.au